Tuesday, October 04, 2011

A Source-to-Target self-documentation system

In the BI world, the corporate Data warehouse platform gets often overly complex quite rapidly.   The number of source components increases rapidly to reach nearly thousand of entities: 
-: consider 10-15 different OLTP’s sources each having roughly 10-20 entities worth of interest (tables and views)
-: consider also the few File-based sources each accompanied with one or more feed entities
-: now consider that each one of these source entities will normally result in many components created and stored downstream in various form and for various reason
After these considerations in mind, one can see the explosion of entities any average BI team manage and continue maintaining to keep evolving.  This can result in maintenance nightmare when the team is asked to do deep impact analysis of changes and updates done on existing entities.   As such it is important to keep and maintain some Source-to-Target metadata and documentation.
To understand the dependencies from downstream elements to upstream ones, we can store all source-to-target relationships using a form of Directed Graph.   Each node in the graph represents an entity either found in the DWH or outside in the source layers.  These entities can be in different format or type, for ex. in the DBMS they would be table or view, in the source layer they can be of type file, etc…   The directed edge of the Graph represents the dependency relationship between the source and the target entities.   
Various relational modelling techniques can be used to store such Directed Graph.  One of the most flexible way is to use one table to store the From-To relation (edge) and another table to store each entity node.  This was done here with the table STK_ENTITY_LINK having two FK relationship pointing to STK_ENTITY_NODE.
The rest of this presents such a model that can automatically be maintained and populated by a feeder (actually this was done using a custom-built Java feeder capable of finding dependencies from database metadata, from reading Pl/SQL code, from reading ETL tool metadata, etc.)
The Data feeder is the process responsible in populating/refresh data model.  It provides this service through a metadata table FEEDER_META. A number of use-case are supported for various ways to trigger a feed job. One entry in FEEDER_META will generate one self-contained graph of Entity nodes. However multiple entries may generate multiple over-lapping graphs. It is up to the Data feeder to avoid duplicating entity Node by recognizing identical node through its URI.
Furthermore, the meta-info is generic enough to support potential other use-cases with certain constraints.
Key Issues to watch for is How to we define Domain:
- Can link one domain per entry in FEEDER_META, so all graph nodes will be associated to same domain.
  • Drawback= nodes in overlapping graph will inherit multiple domains ?
- Can link one domain only for the starting node
  • Drawback= another process will need to complement domain for other nodes and make some decision with Domain clashing.

Column Definition Optional
meta_key Primary key N
Meta_name N
Domain_name Domain name of the entity nodes. To link the entire graph generated (or alternatively only the starting node) to the domain
--see issues to resolve
starting_node_name Name of the starting enity node N
starting_node_type View, KView, Table, File, N
starting_node_uri The unique id of the starting node N
starting_node_key Surrogate key linking to the starting node once feed process is complete Y
Feed_usecase Usecase name supported
Feed_source Can be package/table, view name, table.., depending on the Feed_usecase
Feed_extract_sql For use-case Ad-Hoc, used to fecth code to be parsed
Feed_conn_key Points to connection to be used for
Last_run_date N

User-Case 1-View: Graph Feed starting from DB View entity
    • § Starting entity-node point : VIEW identification (db,schema,view)
    • § Ending entity-node point : First physical tables encounter
    • § Rules: Find Ancestors based on USER_DEPENDENCIES metadata table (recursively)
    • § Notes:
    • § Metadata fields used: connection info, View name
User-Case 2-Cube: Graph Feed starting from OLAP Cube
    • § Starting entity-node point : Cube identification (db,schema,view + cube_id)
    • § Ending entity-node point : First physical tables encounter
    • § Rules: Find Ancestors based on USER_DEPENDENCIES metadata table (recursively)
    • § Notes: We could also use other OLAP specialized metadata table
    • § Metadata fields used: connection info, cube id and name
User-Case 3-TablePackage: Graph Feed starting from Physical Table loaded by one PL/SQL package
    • § Starting entity-node point : Table identified (db,schema,table)
    • § Ending entity-node point : First physical tables encounter
    • § Rules: Find Ancestors based on USER_DEPENDENCIES metadata table. To exclude as dependencies the Physical Table identified, but to include all other objects dependencies (recursively), i.e. the process must not stop at View objects but find all base tables.
    • § Notes: We must assume that all other REFERENCED objects are ancestors of the identified Table
    • § Metadata fields used: connection info, Table name, Package name, domain
User-Case 4-TableAd-Hoc: Graph Feed starting from Physical Table loaded by some ad-hoc code (SQL or PL/SQL)
    • § Starting entity-node point : Table identified (db,schema,table)
    • § Ending entity-node point : All Parsing DB objects encountered
    • § Rules: Find Ancestors based on Parsing ad-hoc code fetched by process, and to other objects dependencies (recursively), i.e. the process must not stop at View objects but find all base tables.
    • § Notes:
    • § Metadata fields used: connection info, K-View name, connection string, code source location


p.s. For completeness, I include below all DDL needed for the physical data model
-------------------------- DDL for Data Model ----------------------
create table STK_ENTITY_DOMAIN(
domain_key NUMBER(9),
domain_name VARCHAR2(50), --
domain_desc VARCHAR2(100),
parent_domain_key NUMBER(9),
created_date DATE,
update_date DATE,
constraint pk_domain primary key (domain_key)
comment on table STK_ENTITY_DOMAIN is 'Business Domain for classfying entities into logical grouping';
comment on column STK_ENTITY_DOMAIN.domain_name is 'SIP, OC Efficiency, PMO, Prod Operational Source, etc.';
add constraint fk_parent_domain foreign key (parent_domain_key) references STK_ENTITY_DOMAIN(domain_key);
create table STK_ENTITY_TYPE(
type_key NUMBER(9),
type_name VARCHAR2(50),
type_desc VARCHAR2(100),
type_cat VARCHAR2(50),
constraint pk_entity_type primary key (type_key)
comment on column STK_ENTITY_TYPE.type_name is 'View, Table, K-view, File, External table, Portal/Page, Chart (component), KPI, MOLAP cube...';
create table STK_ENTITY_NODE(
node_key NUMBER(9),
entity_name VARCHAR2(50),
entity_uri VARCHAR2(150),
entity_host VARCHAR2(50),
entity_schema VARCHAR2(50),
metadata_key NUMBER(9),
source_id NUMBER(9),
domain_key NUMBER(9) NOT NULL,
entity_type_key NUMBER(9) NOT NULL,
created_date DATE,
update_date DATE,
constraint pk_entity_node primary key (node_key)
comment on column STK_ENTITY_NODE.entity_host is 'host name (for file), database instance (for db objects)';
comment on column STK_ENTITY_NODE.entity_schema is 'schema name for db objects';
comment on column STK_ENTITY_NODE.source_id is 'Id used in source for entity (e.g. dashboard_id for KView, dimension_id,..)';
alter table STK_ENTITY_NODE
add constraint fk_node_domain foreign key (domain_key) references STK_ENTITY_DOMAIN(domain_key);
alter table STK_ENTITY_NODE
add constraint fk_entity_type foreign key (entity_type_key) references STK_ENTITY_TYPE(type_key);
create table STK_ENTITY_LINK(
from_node_key NUMBER(9) NOT NULL,
to_node_key NUMBER(9) NOT NULL,
cross_domain CHAR(1), --
created_date DATE,
update_date DATE,
constraint pk_link primary key (from_node_key,to_node_key)
comment on column STK_ENTITY_LINK.cross_domain is 'To flag link crossing two diff domain';
alter table STK_ENTITY_LINK
add constraint fk_from_link_node foreign key (from_node_key) references STK_ENTITY_NODE(node_key);
alter table STK_ENTITY_LINK
add constraint fk_to_link_node foreign key (to_node_key) references STK_ENTITY_NODE(node_key);
create table STK_CONNECTION (
connection_key NUMBER(9),
connection_type VARCHAR2(50),
driver_class VARCHAR2(150),
conn_string VARCHAR2(150),
login VARCHAR2(50),
password VARCHAR2(50),
constraint pk_connection primary key (connection_key)
comment on column STK_CONNECTION.conn_string is 'Depends on the type of connection, for DB this corresponds to jdbc_url';
-- job trigger shoud point to the db objects that can be used as a source
--should give the detail on how to construct the graph. (code in sql, pl/sql, )
create table STK_FEEDER_META(
meta_key NUMBER(9),
meta_name VARCHAR2(50),
domain_name VARCHAR2(50),
starting_node_name VARCHAR2(50),
starting_node_type VARCHAR2(50),
starting_node_uri VARCHAR2(150),
starting_node_key NUMBER(9),
feed_usecase VARCHAR2(50),
feed_source VARCHAR2(50),
feed_extract_sql VARCHAR2(2000),
feed_conn_key NUMBER(9),
links_direction VARCHAR2(10),
last_run_date DATE,
constraint pk_feeder_meta primary key (meta_key)
comment on column STK_FEEDER_META.feed_usecase is 'Values: ''1-View'';''2-KView'';''3-TablePackage;''4-TableAd-Hoc'';';
comment on column STK_FEEDER_META.feed_source is 'Can be package/table, view name, table..';
comment on column STK_FEEDER_META.feed_extract_sql is 'For use-case Ad-Hoc, used to fecth code to be parsed';
/* Additional constraint */
--1- to avoid node with self-link
alter table STK_ENTITY_LINK add constraint no_self_link check (from_node_key <> to_node_key);
--2- Should we have a constraint to avoid two-links between the same entities ?
insert into STK_ENTITY_TYPE(type_key,type_name,type_cat) values (1,'Table','Database');
insert into STK_ENTITY_TYPE(type_key,type_name,type_cat) values (2,'View','Database');
insert into STK_ENTITY_TYPE(type_key,type_name,type_cat) values (3,'KView','Database');
insert into STK_ENTITY_TYPE(type_key,type_name,type_cat) values (4,'Synonym','Database');
insert into STK_ENTITY_TYPE(type_key,type_name,type_cat) values (5,'Folder','OS');
insert into STK_ENTITY_TYPE(type_key,type_name,type_cat) values (6,'File','OS');
insert into STK_ENTITY_TYPE(type_key,type_name,type_cat) values (7,'Page','Dashboard');

Monday, October 03, 2011

Cultural gap: Machine Learning vs Traditional stats

About a decade ago there has been a somewhat controversial paper published by L. Breiman which criticizes the current research trend done by classical/traditional stats community.  In a provoking tone, he compared the research done by the traditional stats community (what he called “Data Modeling Culture”) with the one done by newer machine learning community (referred to as “Algorithmic Modeling community”).   Pretty much everyone recognizes the contribution of the later now, especially in the realm of analytical predictive task with very successful algorithm based on some form of Support Vector Machines SVM or the Random Forest (incidentally created by Breiman himself).   Unfortunately Breiman died not so long after his paper so we will never have the chance to hear his reflection about how things turn out to be nowadays. 

I cannot pretend to follow closely the progression of each culture* and know whether the gap is decreasing or reshaping, or yet whether the “Data Modeling Culture” is catching up and keep on updating their mathematical grounding to better leverage the ever increasing computing power/storage resource made available today.  
*as a side note: although I don’t dedicate enough time to it, I always enjoy going back to the rigor and mathematical grounding of the research/academic world especially after having dealt with too much imprecision, fuzziness, and lack of clarity often characterizing the so-called “real” world project ;-)  
However, I guess that Breiman’s paper helped each community in their own way and contributed in widening each other’s point of view.   This point of view is supported by the growing number of researchers & books treating new algorithmic-based techniques from a more theoretical standpoint and using a more inferential perspective (ex includes work from researcher involved in “statistical learning” like Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman,  Vladimir Cherkassky, Filip Mulier.    

So because of this importance, I decided to highlight some of the elements brought up at the time in Breiman’s article.

Difference in Theoretical Approach

In  essence, most problem typically involve one response variable y which is generated through some form of data generation process attributed to nature functions.   In order to either 1) predict future or unseen y or to 2) understand better how nature operates in generating y, we use a set of input variables contained in the vector x, that we believe have some role in the generation of y.   Obviously, there are other more complex considerations here such as 1) data generation mechanism may originate from more than one underlying process,   2) independency assumption of predictors x, 3) co-dependency or inter-dependencies between the x’s, 4) unobserved input variables z affecting the process, 5) causality vs inference, ..etc.   But these aspects were not the focus of the original paper.

The “Data modelling” culture strive with the utilization of a so-called stochastic data model represented as a simplified model used to replace the nature functions involved in generating y.   These simplified data model are characterized by a chosen function along with their set of associated unknown parameters (BTW these parameters can never be observed) and some form of random noise (e) added especially to explain the difference between the predicted value f(x|m,e) and the real outcome y.    Function used can be simple as linear regression, logistic regression, Cox mode, or more complex like Bayesian methods combined with Markov Chain Monte Carlo.  

The “Algorithmic modelling” considers the nature functions far too complex to be usefully and accurately transposed into a simplified model.  As such, their approach is to consider nature as a black-box and their goal is to find an algorithm function af(x) that operate on x to predict y.  The set of algorithm is growing at fast pace and include things like decision trees, neural nets, svm, random forest, etc.

The main argument against each other camp could be summarized using these terms:
    • “ Data modeling” camp:   there is no way one can interpret a blackbox with the level of complexity seen in “Algorithm modelling”, whereas ease of interpretability in data model allows for useful information to be revealed.
    • “ Algorithmic modeling” camp:   the goal is not interpretability but accurate information, and what’s the level of confidence in the info revealed when data model performed less accurately than “Algorithm modelling” when cross-validated.

Flaws in Data Modelling Culture

A great deal of effort and focus spent in statistical research revolves around Modelling concerns
- What model to apply to data?  -What assumption can be made on the model that supposedly generated data? –what Model parameter inference can be done?  What hypothesis testing to apply?   What confidence interval follows on the parameters inferred?  What distribution of residual sum-of-squares and asymptomatic can be derived?  What is the significant level of coefficients on the basis of model? etc..
This focus on data Modelling, as attractive as it is in terms of the mathematics involved, has the downside of switching the analysis emphasis from the Nature’s mechanism in favour to the Model’s mechanism!  This becomes apparent when one, unintentionally, may later confuse or replace the theoretical model with the real nature’s mechanism that lead to generating the data.  Then, bad or even dangerous conclusion could be drawn especially when the chosen “model is a poor emulation of nature”.  

But the attractiveness and intuitiveness of Model are too strong :  what better can you ask than having a “simple and understandable picture of the relationships between input variables and responses” right in front of you? .   These have resulted in many habits or errors made by some fitting data modeller enthusiasm, which lead them to think their models as infallible and represent the truth!  Here are some examples of mistakes or errors involved (with different level of severity):
      • At worst, confidence in the Model reaches the point where even basic test such as Residual analysis and Goodness-of-fit test can are even ignored!
      • The validity of the form of the model is assumed right or not questionable (for ex. simple linear regression applied without much consideration as whether linearity exist within variables in the underlying data process generator)
      • Test of Goodness-of-fit using multiple correlation coefficient only measure how well the model fits the sample of data and nothing to do with the problem at hand.
      • Goodness-of-fit test suffer from a number of issues, most of the time, simply ignored :
        1. they have the tendency to not reject linearity unless nonlinearity becomes extreme
        2. they test in every directions leading test to be rarely rejected unless lack of fit is extreme
        3. they are often simply not applicable when model tinkering is done like removal of attribute, or adding nonlinearity by combining attributes/variables
      • Residual analysis also has its own limitations:
        1. they cannot uncover lack of fit with more than four to five dimensions!
        2. the interactions between variables produce good residual plots for a number of failed model

Comes next the issue of choice:  what are we supposed to expect by interpreting of a unique model out of potentially many hundreds or thousands!  A direct effect of using a simple yes-no answer to check model goodness is that, implicitly, a number of different Models will be equally as good!  “Data will point with almost equal emphasis on several possible models”.
This is even more relevant nowadays with the sheer number of variables we capture and track and made available to analysis (in the era of Big-data, dataset are much more complex and highly dimensional).   Think of sub-selecting a small number of variables from many available and see how many competing models could we have :   from a pool of 50 variables, how many different subset variables models would compete against each other.  Assuming we’re just looking at the best 5 variables, it becomes a 2.1million problem -->C(50,5) !

The real alternative to Goodness-of-fit is to consider the model predictive accuracy.  This can only be done by applying the function to data from test sample (unused and/or unseen) and compare the model predicted value with the actual measured value, i.e. apply cross-validation!   The closer the two will be the better the model emulates the real process.    This un-biased cross-validation approach (i.e. independent test sample) is the only way to avoid the model to be made to overfit the data at hand and producing overly good predictive accuracy.

Algorithmic Modeling Lessons

In this approach, the focus is shifted from aspects of data modelling to aspects of algorithm’s properties.   These properties range from their “strength” as predictor, their convergent ability (for iterative-type of algo), and their features or capability that made them a good predictor.   
It is interesting to note that in machine learning theory, we usually only have one assumption being imposed on the data process, i.e. that the data is drawn i.i.d. from an unknown multivariate distribution!

The author goes on to describe in more details two of these particularly good predictor (SVM and Random forest) and compare them with other traditional procedure in the context of real and well known research data set.   Not surprisingly, the results all favour the  “Algorithmic modelling” techniques with sometimes large improvement in predictive accuracy.  

I’m not going to present the details here, but let me just re-iterate the incisive highlight of his findings:
    • “Higher predictive accuracy is associated with more reliable information about the underlying data mechanisms”
    • “Weak predictive accuracy can lead to questionable conclusions”
    • “Algorithmic models can give better predictive accuracy than data models, and provide better information about the underlying mechanism”

Also important are the lessons learnt following the various research development done by the machine learning community.  These lessons are re-iterated here as their importance also resonate with the more traditional community.  
  1. Rashomon “the multiplicity of good models” :
    • Def: There are usually a multitude of different functions to pick from, and all of which would yield similar error rate.  (as expressed in our example above with 5 variables taken out of 50)
    • Effect: this implies much instability in the model selection, as just very minor perturbation in the sample input data may yield a new model of complete different form
    • Context in traditional methods :  these are particularly sensitive to these issues, as it is often considered a good practice to reduce dimensionality of the data set by removing some less important covariates.   
    • Context in machine learning methods:  some are also sensitive (ex. decision trees and Neural nets), however most have techniques to circumvent this such as model aggregation (random forest), bagging or boosting.   Note that similar devise has also been applied to traditional methods like the additive logistic regression.
  2. Occam “the conflict between simplicity and accuracy” :
    • Def: In terms of prediction capacity, accuracy is generally in conflict with the ease of interpretability (simplicity).   Intuitively, it is common sense to think that simple model can hardly capture the insights of complex nature process.
    • Effect:  this favors more complex algo but less interpretable models. 
    • Context in traditional methods :  one should we wary about simply extrapolating or conveying a whole set of information and interpretation simply by looking at the unique model functional form.
    • Context in machine learning methods:  It is incommensurate to try understanding intricacies and limitations of highly-dimensional models common to SVM, or yet trying to delve into the “tangled web that generated a plurality vote from over 100 trees” common with Random forest.
  3. Bellman “the curse of dimensionality” :
    • Def:  It’s been long time recognized and wished to work under smaller dimensionality  (this was done by limiting the number of attribute while trying to preserve as much information as possible) to avoid some adverse effect of very high dimensionality.   Now, most machine learning methods strive for high dimensionality and consider this a blessing.
    • Effect: Reducing dimensionality reduces the total information at hand.
    • Context in traditional methods :  lots of traditional stats test like residual impose see limitation in model test like residual analysis are not suited with many dimensions.
    • Context in machine learning methods:  SVM for example strives for more dimensions, as it favors or augments the likelihood of complete hyperplane separability (applicable in a two-class outcome scenario), Random forest also thrive for more variable without the possibility of over-fitting.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Oracle choices for Multidimensional Analysis

Here’s a quick assessment highlighting the main differences between Hyperion Essbase vs Oracle OLAP. Knowing that both products are now under the same ownership, I thought this should be archived before it gets completely outdated!

Oracle Essbase Oracle OLAP
What-is? clip_image001 Standalone OLAP Server: separate to the Oracle database
clip_image001[1] End-user focused, popular among business users as data access done via Excel
clip_image001[2] Fully multidimensional OLAP engine with support of MDX and XML/A (rather than SQL)
clip_image001[3] Oracle OLAP option: in-database solution available in Oracle Enterprise (latest version 11g)
clip_image001[4] Aggregation management solution for SQL-based BI applications
clip_image001[5] Alternative to table-based materialized views solution, offering better query perf and fast incremental load
clip_image001[6] A “real” multidimensional OLAP server paradigm and not a simple SQL relational hack
Underlying Technology Storage Used: Server MOLAP proprietary storage
Concept Used : Full OLAP capabilities leveraging business rules and names, with Dimensions, facts, hierarchies outlines, consolidation rules, write-back, annotate, calculated metric, etc
Data Access : MDX access exposing full OLAP capabilities model, access API choices between Java and XML/A, Essbase query tools.
Storage Used: multidimensional arrays in DB
Concept Used : Structured around business rules and naming, with Dimensions, facts, hierarchies, aggregation rules etc
Data Access : Fast data access through “cells” (direct address) storing either details and summary data but leveraging SQL access mode
OLAP Engine : advanced analytics like time series analysis, non-additive calculations, financial and statistical models
Key Benefits Ø Renown and proven technology with important customer base and long history background

Ø Use to power many of the Hyperion performance management applications
Ø Oracle Backend-Only Solution, no need for:
a. external metadata
b. exporting data
c. separate server
d. other backend application
Ø Easier than Materialized View Solution,
a. Avoid the complexity of choosing which MV to create and how many possibly creatable
b. All summaries stored in a single OLAP multidimensional Cube
c. CBO treats OLAP cubes as MVs: rewrites queries to access cubes transparently; refresh using MVs standard

Ø Easy access to detail transaction as stored directly in Cube (transparently)

Drawbacks Standalone application requiring:
1. Dedicated server hardware
2. External metadata, hence business rules, def.. duplications
3. Extraction and import of DWH data
Currently, not fully integrated within Oracle infrastructure
Does not offer a full compliant multi-dimensional access to OLAP data :
1. No MDX, XML/A
2. No real OLAP-aware query, only support SQL language (olap extension)
3. No best suited for planning & forecasting tools


Monday, August 08, 2011

QlikView: introduction to "In-memory BI technology"

I've been introduced to QlikView lately and it has been somewhat a refreshing experience compared to more traditional BI solution.   So this post will give some of the notes taken out of training and after experimentation of the tool.

It turns out I do enjoy it today as a data explorer tool.   This allows me to easily navigate through some unknown data model and quickly understand data relationship and hidden rules (not enforced explicitly with defined database constraint).    I find this a faster way to explore new data stored in database than going through a lot of SQL request/result analysis iteration.  

Here's some additional notes I've gathered:

At 10,000 feet level, there are two major key differentiators :
    1. The associative nature of the data architecture domain*
    2. The all in-memory principle

*The associative term is somewhat abusive as it should not be confused with associate data structure (ref).  It seems to be rather related to the way front-end dynamically associates data element under selection, and also probably to the automatic association between elements having identical filed name in the data model.   It seems that the data is linked using Vector-based association with pointer-type reference.

The underlying data model is actually quite simple:  it is built around the familiar concept of datasets with related tables having a number of fields (tabular format).    However, there are fundamental rules to respect in regard to that simple model:

    1. Limit all relation key to a single field (any PK combined fields also used as FK will generate a so-called Synthetic table by QV....which must be avoided)
    2. Eliminate all circular reference within the whole Data model
    3. The field key used for relationship between tables must all have identical name (automatic relation generated by QV)  

The number of tables can easily reach hundreds while total number of fields reaching thousands.  Datasets are always pre-loaded into memory (mandatory) in a compressed format (apparently not using columnar data storage but rather record-based table representation) with very good compression ratio near 10:1**.   (from what I could find, the in-memory data is stored through direct compiled machine code ... explaining why only Intel-based processor -multi-core included- are supported as different port would involve intense engineering re-coding and re-optimization).

**As a sidenote: anyone familiar with the de-normalized structure of WH data will not be surprised by this ratio, considering that all data redundancy will be eliminated with the use of pointer in the data structure.

As stated in the 3rd rule, associations are generated automatically against the entire dataset by following this simple convention: all pairs of fields in different table having identical name are automatically part of an association.   No particular data model (like star-schema) is assumed, but to remove possible data incoherence/ambiguity, each pair of table must have a single join path (as stated in 2nd rule above).  Actually, QV will simply break all redundant links (randomly) to avoid the closed-loop within the data model.  This implies that for star-schema model it is practically impossible to traverse multiple fact table within the same QV dataset, except for the rare case where only one common dimension is found between two star-schema...   

After having configured all your input data and loaded up in QV, you get a data model similar to:
Figure 1.  Example of Data model defined in QlickView.

All associations are managed at the engine-level and not at the application-level (a typical BI app would  need to explicitly manage, store and maintain associations between individual queries association).  With QlikView, you always get the associated data as well as the un-associated data elements well highlighted (black and grey-out respectively).  That's highlighted by their commercial pitch :  QlikView is not a query-based tool!  Meaning that data is always linked or associated during analysis instead of having go through iterative query-based analysis in more or less isolated steps:

business question --> query definition --> launch query --> analysis query result -->refine business question --> redefine query definition --> etc...

The data access architecture is not well documented, and it seems to be always fetching data via memory scan, avoiding to have indexes, pre-computed aggregate typically found in other BI-tool in some form or another  (see reference The underlying techno..).  .  

The dataset maximum size that can fit within your host will not be straightforward to calculate as it will depend on the server memory size,  compression factor and obviously on other parameters like number of dashboard pages and objects, number of concurrent users connecting to Qlikview server, etc..   Typically, the solution is currently designed for gigabytes-scale databases, but obviously this keeps improving (thanks to Moore's law) especially with the 64-bit server architecture.   

Some drawbacks:
    • as always with this sort of tool, you need to extract the data outside your main data repository (whatever that may be) and loaded up inside other server host
    • this extract/re-hosting step opens the door to KPI rules duplications/inconsistencies, and uncontrolled data rule transformations that will likely  leak outside your central data transfo rules metadata (if you're lucky tro have one)
    • scaling and data volume limitations: I came across quite a few Memory error during loading process when dealing with bigger database ... happens especially when loading wider tables (many attributes).  The major drawback is that you learn this the hardway...yon only know your database will not fit inside your hardware after spending a considerable amount of time trying to load it into memory!!   On some occasions, you actually will need to kill the ‘Not Responding’ app before you can get any response:

Other miscellaneous notes and observations :
    • All fields within the data model end-up being an axis of analysis!  Even fact-type measure can be queried and searched by.value (more commonly by rinterval of values).
    • A file *.QVW is a self-contained QV dataset which potentially include : all data scripting (for data loading into memory), the data itself stored natively in-memory and the presentation stuff (all dashboards and report views)
    • Make use of the export native file format QVD, as it offers much better loading performance and good compression compared to the legacy data source.
    • we should limit the number of association as it will always be quicker to fetch data within same table.   In theory, the complete dataset could fit into a single wide table, however this has some drawbacks like data model understandability.
    • Ideally replace Distinct count formula (e.g. Count(distinct EmployeeId)) by adding a simple counter on the table on which we need to count distinct value (distinct involved creating a temporary structure with unique field value on-the-fly).
    • Limit the number of tables... so if you have lots of snowflaking inside your WH, try to merge during Data loading into QV.
    • When concatenating combined-primary keys into a single field, use Autonumber()  [e.g. Autonumber(OrderId & '-' & lineItemNo) ] function to end up with number-based key (instead of String-based key taking more memory)
    • All data storage is either :  1- String-based or 2-Number-based (only possible when all values within the table can be interpreted as valid number)
    • Number values are read in sequence... i.e. if we have these identical sequence of number:  1.0, 1, 1.000, then only the first value read will be kept (i.e. 1.0)


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Conceptual modeling your star schema

Due to its simplicity and its general appeal, the dimensional data model (aka star schema) has probably reached a standard-like level in terms of its usage and acceptability in the BI world.  Arguably, this modeling techniques is not ideal when one’s goal is merely to store and integrate a number of heterogeneous source of data.   However, when one’s goal is to report and analyze on these source of data, then yes Dimensional modeling is your safest bet.   The normally architected EDW platform should hold at minimum three layers, each one having clear specifications and goals.   Ideally Dimensional modeling is restricted to layers closer to end-users :

Layers Dimension modeling  applicability
Staging area No –>  persistent & irrelevant.  Use same data model as source (typically 3NF)
Data Integration No –> lack of traceability and creates a dependency on what is now considered a myth:  single version of the truth.  Dimensional modeling applies business rules and transformation far too early to apply it onto this EDW layer.
Data Presentation / Datamart Yes –> Perfectly adapted as it exposes simple & understandable views well suited to different departmental business views

This post is not about the details of each layer and their recommended modeling approach, but rather presents a conceptual modeling technique that I often used in real world project as a tool for validating Datamart models with business stakeholder.
This technique is inspired by a representation methodology from the ad-hoc model tool called Dimensional Fact Model, and is well adapted for our presentation layers of the EDW.   This  dimensional fact model methodology was originally created by Matteo Golfarelli and Stefano Rizzi.   They came up with a model tool offering an easy and convenient way of communication between business stakeholders and IT technical teams.  Its main advantages include:
    • Specially aimed for multi-dimensional modeling
    • Simple graphical form showing constraints & functional dependencies
    • Recognized to be readable by non-expert
    • Ideal to support the dialogue between end-users and designer during design phase
I don’t usually make use of the full DFM representation, but rather on a set of limited basic concepts:
· Facts (the transaction, event, recording snapshot, .. ) occurring within the enterprise
· Measures: numerical property of a fact describing its quantitative aspect
· Dimension: axis of analyses of the fact that has a finite domain (property analyzed with the term : “By”)
· Dimension attribute: a dimension property with a finite domain and being part of at least one Hierarchy (as opposed to descriptive attributes)
· Hierarchy: a directed tree with nodes corresponding to dimension attribute and arcs to the many-to-one association between them
· Descriptive attribute: a dimension property not part of any Hierarchy, and typically being one-to-one with the dimension lowest members (can be amount-based or yet descriptive base)

The full DFM technique has richer and more complex elements, but not all of them are relevant in a ROLAP physical implementation (see link given above for more details).
Note that these model only present a Conceptual view of the date.  Each view normally represents one subject area where similar facts are grouped together.   Let’s also note that, these are not describing any logical/physical data model.   It may turn out that, during implementation, more than one physical star schema would be necessary to represent one Conceptual Design, or conversely, one physical star schemas may be used for more than one Conceptual Design. The role of these Conceptual Designs is to get the Business sign-off which is independent on the physical details implementation choice.

Below is a generic model diagram depicting the main concepts that I rely upon for my projects:



Sunday, May 15, 2011

La Sicile vue par mes enfants

Nous avons profité des dernières vacances de Pâques pour aller visiter la Sicile.     

J'ai eu l'agréable surprise de constater que mes enfants ont eu l'idée de faire un résumé du voyage avec leur mamie.  Je me permet donc d'en retranscrire ici le contenu.  Ceci s'avère intéressant de voir leur propre interprétation du même voyage ...  Je n'y ai donc fait aucune édition sauf pour la correction de "quelques" fautes normales de la part d'enfants de 7 et 9 ans (les notes en italiques correspondent à mes commentaires, et j'y ai aussi apporter des photos avec mes descriptions pour la postérité!).   

Vacances en Sicile du 15 au 23 avril 2011.  

Vendredi:  Nous avons fini l'école plus tôt que d'habitude.   On est allé chercher mamie à l'aéroport.  On a fait 5 heures de route pour aller au bateau.  Pendant ce trajet on a fait des jeux:  .

On a fait la file avant d'entrer dans le bateau.  Avant de partir,on a attendu avant de se coucher que le bateau parte.  Je couchais avec mamie, Mathias et Athéna (et oui, nous avons dû amener le hamster avec nous).
Mathias attendant le départ au port de Gênes

La vue sur Gênes depuis le quai

Samedi:  après le déjeuner on a fait le tour du bateau avec papa et on a trouvé un coin du bateau où il y avait énormément de vent. On a débarqué du bateau et puis on a fait 2 heures de route, et on est arrivé à notre maison.  Il pleuvait.  On a mangé du pain, et on s'est couché.

Dimanche: on s'est levé avec un beau soleil.  Mathias et moi on s'est baigné 5 fois (à une température avoisinant 17C pour l'eau et pas plus chaud pour l'air extérieure..donc les parents sont intervenus avant l'hypothermie!).
Photo osée de Laurie ne souffrant pas encore d'hypothermie!
Le jardin garni d'arbres fruitiers tel que le neflier et le citronier

Lundi: le lendemain matin on est allé à Castellamare del Golfo pour acheter un ballon de foot (en autres).  On est allé cherché maman et on a mangé dehors.  On est rentré jouer au ballon et on a mangé de la bonne pizza (c'est tout?!).
Petit place au coeur de Castellamare del Golfo
Vue de la petite ville portuaire pris depuis une colline
Vue du port depuis les hauteurs

Mardi: on est allé à Sageste voir un temple grec et en descendant papa a vendu 2 billets (hmm...le temple vieux d'à peu près 2500ans est relégué au même niveau que l'anecdote!).
Le fameux temple grec de Ségeste (seul trace de l'ancienne ville avec le théatre)

Vue derrière le temple donnant sur la cité d'autrefois (la ville fut détruite par les Vandales au Ve siecle A.D.

Mecredi: on est allé voir le volcan Etna.  Papa et moi et Mathias nous sommes montés à pied voir cratère.  Il faisait très froid.  Après on a choisit des souvenirs (pas de commentaires leur mamie lis probablement ce texte!).  Mathias a choisi: un lézard et une petite charette.  Moi j'ai choisi une boîte de pierres du volcan et un petit hibou en lave.  Et maman m'a donné une belle bague noire. 
Laurie fière de son ascension sur un des nombreux cratères de la face sud du volcan! (à près de 2000m) Malheusement le temps est souvent couvert ...c'est la montagne la plus élevée du tout le sud de l'Italie)

Mathias sur l'étendue de pierre volcanique à plus de 1000 m sous le sommet (qui culmine à plus de 3300m ce qui en fait le plus haut volcan actif d'Europe...d'ailleurs ce sommet a une altitude très variable selon les grandes éruptions )
Des vestiges de la dernière grande éruption

Après on est allé à la ville d'Enna qui est la plus haute de la Sicile:  La plus belle journée (ca fait plaisir! )  
Un aperçu de la haute ville localisée sur un haut plateau de près de 1000m
Partie de la ville.
Vue sur Calascibetta ville perchée juste en face d'Enna
La ville est très densément construite et comporte plusieurs portes sorte de fenêtre vers l'extérieur!

Jeudi:  il faisait beau et chaud.  On a mangé des bonnes glaces: mamie à la pistache, Mathias à la vanille, papa au café et moi j'ai pris au chocolat.  On est allé à la plage, on s'est baigné et on a couru dans les vagues et ramassé des pierres.
Sans équivoque la journée la plus marquante pour les enfants! (eau et air à 18C ... que demander de mieux)

Vendredi: il pleuvait.  On a visité des temples d'une ancienne cité (Visite de Sélinonte, ancienne cité grecque, la Sicile fut un haut lieu de la civilisation greque, comme en témoigne la présence de nombreux bâtiments grecs antiques comme par ex. la vallée des Temples près d’Agrigento ) et moi, Mathias, maman et papa on a grimpé sur les grosses pierres.

Temple reconstitué de Sélinonte

Plusieurs temples se trouvent sur ce site, dont un ayant encore la majorité de ces colonnes toujours dressées!  Ce qui provoqua une question pertinente de mon fils:  pourquoi tous les autres temples sont en ruines sauf celui-là..?  En effet qu'elles sont les probabilités qu'un tremblement de terre majeur ait pu détruire tous les temples avant la construction du dernier et ce sans répétition depuis !?    Je ne veux pas me vanter mais il a trouvé la seule réponse logique !   ce temple a bel et bien été réstaurée, …déduit des dates de construction trouvées ici et confirmé par cette article précisant la réconstitution du temple dans les années 1950.

Les enfants sur les ruines des autres temples

Les restes de l'acropole

Après on est allé aux souvenirs: Mathias a choisi un hibou en bronze et moi j'ai rien choisi.  Après on est allé mangé le souper au restaurant, puis retourné à la maison et on s'est couché. 

Samedi:  on a fait nos bagages et on est parti pour visiter Monreal.  On s'est perdu dans Monreal, et les rue étaient très étroites et un monsieur a guidé papa pour sortir (c'est maintenant connu les GPS ne sont pas toujours les meilleurs guides).   On a dîné et après moi et Mathias on a choisi des souvenirs, Mathias a choisit un hibou en lave et moi j'ai choisi un hibou en bronze (est-ce la mémoire sélective qui font que mes enfants se répètent ou bien devrais-je parler ma mère).  On a pris le bateau pour revenir à Gènes.  

Dimanche:  on était sur le bateau et maman nous a acheté du chocolat de Pâques et on est sorti du bateau pour prendre la route qui mène à notre maison.  On a fait 5 heures de route pour aller à la maison et c'était la fin de nos vacances!  

Laurie et Mathias.


Bon, cette description de voyage n'est pas tout à fait étrangère mais quand même… Sans re-faire ma propre version je me contenterai de résumer le mien par:  de la bonne bouffe en famille, du vélo, un peu de culture et beaucoup de paysage et petites découvertes toutes simples qui font la beauté des voyages:

Magnifique et énorme ficus situé dans un petit parc public de Castellammare Del Golfo


Monday, April 11, 2011

Personal Knowledge Management

I've always been looking for a tool that could simplify all notes I take to store and gather business knowledge I accumulate along my consulting activities.  This could even be leveraged  for other aspect of life for that matter, but for now my need is to optimize the knowledge acquisition and retention done when taking on new professional projects.

The level of cognitive load is directly linked to all the new information (principles, fact, rules, definition, etc.. ) that is  to be assimilated early on any new project inception.  Any method or tool helping me to optimize my knowledge acquisition and management could certainly be a big benefit for the project. 

The key spec I'm looking for in such a tool are:

  1. must be flexible and easy to add new content without having to first organize and structure the content, the relationship among concept and taxonomy
  2. must be light (must not "get in the way" ) and ideally available from the net and stored the info centrally
  3. must easily allow for structuring, re-structuring the content (either through tag, hierarchy, taxonomy, etc...)
  4. and obviously must be intuitive...

There are tools more oriented toward online collaboration which have been adapted for personal use: personal wiki ( e.g. twiki for personal, moinmoin personal).  But I find these too html-presentation oriented... my concern is to gather information not how should it be represented.

Although I did not yet find the optimal solution, I find the tools that falls into the area of  "mind-mapping" (e.g. theBrain, freeMind, thinkgraph) to offer good characteristics.   You are not too worried with how info is presented (since it pretty much follow a fix canvas) so you can fully dedicate yourself with the information content.  However, it does suffer from a few limitation:   volume content (I don't see collpasing/exploding thousands or more nodes), versioning and/or time-dependent information, ...

So until I find a better match, I will keep on relying on mind mapping software, and it always help when you can have a good open source and free version such as Freemind.   And for an online solution, there is also mind42.com.  

As an example, I just used it to gather some background knowledge on rules/best practices applicable when one wants to define data layer of aggregation in a typical data warehouse implementation relying solely on relational technology  (inspired from Mastering data warehouse aggregates).  Here is a partial view of this guideline (done with Freemind):

Here is the same guideline shown as a dynamic mind map :


Sunday, March 06, 2011

Ski en Engadine

La Suisse est certainement le pays le plus emblèmatique des alpes.  Plus de 60% de sa superficie est située en territoire alpin (tout juste derrière l'Autriche) et plus de la moitié des sommets à 4000 se trouvent ici.   Nous en profitons régulièrement avec les sorties de ski du weekend, par contre nous n'avions jamais fait un voyage exclusivement dédié au plaisir de la montagne avec les enfants.  Cette année, nous avons donc choisi de passer une semaine dans la région d'Engadine, vaste et longue vallée avec de nombreuses stations de ski.  Cette région est aussi connue pour, à la fois son manteau neigeux et ... son ensoleillement!

La région a le climat le plus froid de la Suisse et offre donc les meilleures conditions de neige ... pas trop de soucis à se faire contrairement à d'autres sites alpins comme en France. 

Pour se rendre il faut pratiquement traverser tout le pays d'ouest en est, ... ce qui nécessiterait de franchir plus de 4 cols!!  Donc, il est plus simple de faire simplement le tour des montagnes en passant par Zurich!

La première montée se fait dans la vallée creusée par la rivière Julia qui est située dans le canton de Grisons.  Se trouve le long de la route le barrage du lac de Marmorera qui fut construit en 1954 tout en nécessitant le déplacement de toute la commune du même nom!!
Site du barrage de Marmorera

Les enfants qui profitent d'une pause pour se dégourdir et surtout oublier leurs maux de coeur...!

Ensuite on franchit le col de Julier à plus 2200m, qui reste ouvert toute l'année.   La descente se fait par la suite jusqu'à la ville de St.Moritz.

Une fois sur place, et bien il ne reste qu'à profiter du ski et des sports hivernals car toute la région est bien enneigée et ce jusqu'en bas de la vallée, somme toute assez haute en altitude.    Voici quelques clichées pris depuis les 2 domaines les plus importants du coin, soient Corvatsch et Corviglia.

Vue plongeante vers St-Moritz depuis Corviglia

Autre vue du domaine Corviglia qui culmine au "Piz Nair"

Magnifique vue sur le Bernina, point culminant à 4049m.

L'autre versant est le domaine Corvatsch, qui permet de monter plus haut
et skier sur  le glacier du même nom.
