Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Unit Testing but...

I really appreciate developing using the unit testing approach and as such I always have a JUnit library somewhere in my classpath while building an application. This really brings up my confidence into my code and allow me to refactor at ease without worry about breaking all existing functionality.
However, there are a few stricter recommendations commonly found among the unit tester fanatic or the extreme programmer advocate that I find, to say the least, debatable:

  1. your unit test should focus on a single method of a single class, otherwise it is not really unit test.
  2. always build your unit test first and then your application class afterward.

Point 1 actually emphasizes the term unit, and violating this makes your unit test more like integrated test which I agree. But in my view these tend to be more meaningful and practical.

First of all, methods should be small, precise, have a single clear responsibility and have descriptive name that conveys their purposes. As such I tend to agree with recommendation that limit the size of a single method (R. Johnson gave as a ballpark figure between 30-40 lines of code including all comments, while J. Kerievsky goes as far as recommending ten lines of code or fewer, with the majority of them using one to five lines of code). Keeping methods small and giving them intuitive name produce much easier and self-documented code: I like this idea since it helps reduce the need for documenting your code!

This is why I feel that the principle 1. above is opposed to the "writing short method" approach, since small method do not contain enough complex logic that requires a dedicated unit test on its own.

A junit class that test and validate the effect of each and every single method produces on the state of current object or some other dependents (through Mock-up objects) is often straightforward and thus overkilled! Also, a large number of method may not deserve a full dedicated test on them, since not only their logic is simple but also the impact on state is minimal.

That's why I twist my unit test a bit to make them more integrated test, i.e. test only important methods in the class in relation with their impact on itself and on its dependencies (external library, other piece of my code..). Ok, this is not always possible especially when the dependency library is costly and resource intensive component (then I'll use Mock-up for such case), but in very frequent usage, this allows me to validate and better understand the external library during my test as well as testing my code against its dependency. I find myslef even doing such integrated test with code at the service layer level (above the DAO layer) and validating its effect at the database tier. Using a small memory-based database engine such as HSQLDB helps negating the perfomance penalty of doing this.

As for the point 2, I usually adopt more of a concurrent approach, i.e. draft the application class and once it stabilizes create the test class and making it evolve simultaneously. The first few version of my class/interface are a bit too dynamic and sketchy to really have an accompanying test class. So to limit the need to duplicate my changes in both, I'd rather wait till I'm more comfortable with the class/ interface and then proceed with writing test case.
The only advantage I see in creating the test case first, is when I really don't know how my object's going to be used in the client code. However, in that case, I'd rather use a pencil and sketch some use case scenario beforehand...


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